The way of encountering of Ahlol Beit (PUH) with ijtihad and deviation (Case study: Sonni and Qaliyan)

Document Type : Research Paper



Shi’a of Imamiyah is one of serious movements of Islam religion and has an important status as Islamic sect and as its wide thoughtful productions. In this field the presence of Shi’a Imams in 250 years had wondrous and deep influence on thinking of this sect. On other hand according to status of this sect its interaction with other Islamic sects has influence on quality of interrelations and social unity of Islam’s World. Thus in this article from cultural semiology point of view in Hadith of Ahlol Beit (PUH) the relation of Shi’as with Ahle Sonnah and Qaliyan as two religious sect became analyzed. From this perspective, because Qaliyan are “near cultural Other” have serious identical conflicts with Imamiyah Shi’a in comparison with Ahle Sonnah as “far cultural Other”. The result of this process is recommendation to not having relationship with Qaliyan and has good and respectful relation with Soni in ideological and behavior fields.
